Consider a situation where you measure performance on two tests of lexical knowledge. One test is 25 items worth 2 points each with a total possible score of 0-50. The second test is 10 items, each worth up to 10 points, for a total possible score of 0-100.
Let’s first simulate this data for a hypothetical 100 participants.
Create two objects, test1_possible_scores
. Using the seq
set the correct possible range for each test.
range is 0 to 50, iterating by
range is 0 to 100, iterating by
10test1_possible_scores <- seq(0,50,2)
test2_possible_scores <- seq(0,100,10)
## [1] 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48
## [26] 50
## [1] 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
You should see something like this:
[1] 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
[1] 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Now use a set.seed
with the value 092021
generate 100 samples from each test. Name your variables
and test2sample
. Use the
function, with the argument
replace = TRUE
test1sample <- sample(test1_possible_scores, 100, replace = TRUE)
test2sample <- sample(test2_possible_scores, 100, replace = TRUE)
## [1] 46 42 8 50 22 20 8 14 42 16 4 24 50 20 50 22 2 48 24 18 10 20 28 40 36
## [26] 12 0 48 6 46 44 44 22 24 2 34 48 26 14 28 46 40 48 18 42 4 6 38 18 40
## [51] 34 44 32 30 4 6 0 34 22 22 38 50 28 20 28 30 34 22 50 6 30 32 30 6 14
## [76] 10 46 26 50 0 16 4 2 30 14 46 24 50 28 42 36 16 44 6 10 36 0 0 40 30
## [1] 60 20 50 30 90 20 70 70 70 60 10 20 30 90 100 90 50 30
## [19] 60 80 10 90 10 50 80 80 40 80 100 80 80 50 10 100 20 50
## [37] 70 90 30 70 80 20 20 0 80 60 70 0 10 90 100 50 90 0
## [55] 90 90 40 50 60 90 50 40 40 30 0 10 80 90 10 90 10 20
## [73] 50 100 30 50 60 10 10 80 100 100 20 70 0 40 90 10 50 90
## [91] 10 50 10 40 0 10 100 20 90 30
You should get data that looks like this:
[1] 46 42 8 50 22 20 8 14 42 16 4 24 50 20 50 22 2 48 24 18 10 20 28 40 36 12 0 48 6 46 44 44 22 24 2 34 48 26 14
[40] 28 46 40 48 18 42 4 6 38 18 40 34 44 32 30 4 6 0 34 22 22 38 50 28 20 28 30 34 22 50 6 30 32 30 6 14 10 46 26
[79] 50 0 16 4 2 30 14 46 24 50 28 42 36 16 44 6 10 36 0 0 40 30
[1] 60 20 50 30 90 20 70 70 70 60 10 20 30 90 100 90 50 30 60 80 10 90 10 50 80 80 40 80 100
[30] 80 80 50 10 100 20 50 70 90 30 70 80 20 20 0 80 60 70 0 10 90 100 50 90 0 90 90 40 50
[59] 60 90 50 40 40 30 0 10 80 90 10 90 10 20 50 100 30 50 60 10 10 80 100 100 20 70 0 40 90
[88] 10 50 90 10 50 10 40 0 10 100 20 90 30
Now create a tibble named zed01
with three
, which is the number range 1:100test1
, which is the object
, which is the object
zed01 <- tibble(subject = 1:100,
test1 = test1sample,
test2 = test2sample)
## tibble [100 × 3] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
## $ subject: int [1:100] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
## $ test1 : num [1:100] 46 42 8 50 22 20 8 14 42 16 ...
## $ test2 : num [1:100] 60 20 50 30 90 20 70 70 70 60 ...
You should see something like this when running
tibble [100 × 3] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
$ subject: int [1:100] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
$ test1 : num [1:100] 46 42 8 50 22 20 8 14 42 16 ...
$ test2 : num [1:100] 60 20 50 30 90 20 70 70 70 60 ...
What is the mean and sd of our two test scores? We don’t need to be
fancy, you can just run mean()
and sd()
on the
two columns.
Mean and SD for zed01$test1
## [1] 26.14
## [1] 15.72556
Mean and SD for zed02$test2
## [1] 51.7
## [1] 32.56865
We might want to visualize the data in order to see the range of test
scores. Before we do that, let’s use pivot_longer
combine our test scores into a single column, with the resulting columns
being named test
and score
. Create a new
tibble named zed02
from zed01
to do this.
pivot_longer(cols = c(), names_to = '', values_to = '')
zed02 <- zed01 %>%
pivot_longer(cols = c(test1, test2), names_to = 'test', values_to = 'score')
Create a ggplot from zed02, with test
on the y-axis and
on the x-axis. Add a geom_boxplot
to your plot. Then add a geom_jitter()
alpha = .5
What do you see?
ggplot(zed02, aes(x= score, y = test)) +
geom_boxplot() +
geom_jitter(alpha = .5)
The issue is that we can’t meaningfully compare these scores because they are on different scales. The solution to this is to use z-scores, which standardize any set of values to be on the same scale. To calculate a z score, use this formula
For each value:
(value - mean)/sd
Since we already know how to calculate mean and sd, we should be able to do this pretty easily. Let’s use zed01 to create z-score versions of our variables.
Create a new tibble named zed03
Using mutate
, create two new columns which are the z-scores
of test1
and test2
. Name them
and test2z
. Use the formula above (and
not any pre-existing functions). You need to be very
careful how you place your brackets so that order of operations is
applied correctly.
# Put your code here
zed03 <- zed01 %>%
mutate(test1z = (test1 - mean(test1))/sd(test1),
test2z = (test2 - mean(test2))/sd(test2))
If successful you should see this when running
tibble [100 × 5] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
$ subject: int [1:100] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
$ test1 : num [1:100] 46 42 8 50 22 20 8 14 42 16 ...
$ test2 : num [1:100] 60 20 50 30 90 20 70 70 70 60 ...
$ test1z : num [1:100] 1.263 1.009 -1.154 1.517 -0.263 ...
$ text2z : num [1:100] 0.2548 -0.9733 -0.0522 -0.6663 1.176 ...
Make a new tibble named zed04
from zed03
Then use pivot_longer
on your regular and z-scored
variables to create new columns with the same names you used for
(test and score).
zed04 <- zed03 %>%
pivot_longer(cols = c(test1, test2, test1z, test2z), names_to = 'test', values_to = 'score')
## tibble [400 × 3] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
## $ subject: int [1:400] 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 ...
## $ test : chr [1:400] "test1" "test2" "test1z" "test2z" ...
## $ score : num [1:400] 46 60 1.263 0.255 42 ...
Make a new tibble named zed04z
which includes
and the z-scored values using
. We want to filter so that ONLY test1z and ONLY
test2z remain in the data.
zed04z <- zed04 %>%
# filter(str_detect(test, 'z'))
filter(test == 'test1z' | test == 'test2z')
## tibble [200 × 3] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
## $ subject: int [1:200] 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 ...
## $ test : chr [1:200] "test1z" "test2z" "test1z" "test2z" ...
## $ score : num [1:200] 1.263 0.255 1.009 -0.973 -1.154 ...
Recreate the same ggplot as you did before. What do you see now?
ggplot(zed04z, aes(y = test, x = score )) +
geom_boxplot() +
geom_jitter(alpha = .5)
When you z-score a variable, you set the mean = to 0, with each increase in one unit = 1 standard deviation. This is incredibly useful when modelling and visualizing data (and in fact basically a requirement for regression.)
To demonstrate this, let’s create a final plot which includes our raw
and z-score variables side by side. Create a ggplot from
which uses the same boxplot and jitter as the
previous plot. However, before those commands, use a
facet_wrap(. ~ test, scales = 'free')
ggplot(zed04, aes(y = test, x = score)) +
facet_wrap(. ~ test, scales = 'free') +
geom_boxplot() +
geom_jitter(alpha = .5, width = .1)
You should notice that we actually haven’t “changed” the data fundamentally, instead we have “transformed” it by applying the same transformation to all data points.
If you want to get fancy you can play with other packages, like
to get different types of visualizations. Replace
the boxplot and jitter with a geom_density_ridge()
to get
the following plot (you’ll need to
ggplot(zed04z, aes(x = score, y = test)) +
geom_density_ridges(aes(fill = test), alpha = .5)
## Picking joint bandwidth of 0.358
And, by the way, you can just use scale()
to z-score
things automatically without having to use the formula. Here is an
example below that will apply a mutate across all columns, and then use
to strip the attributes associated with the
zed05 <- zed01 %>%
mutate(across(.cols = c(test1, test2), scale, center = T, scale = T)) %>%
mutate(across(everything(), as.vector))
## Warning: There was 1 warning in `mutate()`.
## ℹ In argument: `across(.cols = c(test1, test2), scale, center = T, scale = T)`.
## Caused by warning:
## ! The `...` argument of `across()` is deprecated as of dplyr 1.1.0.
## Supply arguments directly to `.fns` through an anonymous function instead.
## # Previously
## across(a:b, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
## # Now
## across(a:b, \(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))