Combining data from two different sources using joins

When working with long data, where participants have multiple observations in multiple rows, you will find that a lot of data is repeated. For instance, demographic features such as participant age and sex or experimental conditions will stay the same for each observation.

Sometimes you will want to add or manipulate data and join it with this repeated measures data. For example:


Long data

tibble(subject = c(rep('one',5), rep('two', 5)), 
       score = (c(1:5, 10:6)))
## # A tibble: 10 × 2
##    subject score
##    <chr>   <int>
##  1 one         1
##  2 one         2
##  3 one         3
##  4 one         4
##  5 one         5
##  6 two        10
##  7 two         9
##  8 two         8
##  9 two         7
## 10 two         6

Another set of data you want to add

tibble(subject = c('one','two'), age = c(42, 79))
## # A tibble: 2 × 2
##   subject   age
##   <chr>   <dbl>
## 1 one        42
## 2 two        79

How can you form a single tibble which has both the score and ages in long format?

tibble(subject = c(rep('one',5), rep('two', 5)), 
       score = (c(1:5, 10:6)),
       age = c(rep(42,5), rep(79,5)))
## # A tibble: 10 × 3
##    subject score   age
##    <chr>   <int> <dbl>
##  1 one         1    42
##  2 one         2    42
##  3 one         3    42
##  4 one         4    42
##  5 one         5    42
##  6 two        10    79
##  7 two         9    79
##  8 two         8    79
##  9 two         7    79
## 10 two         6    79

We could manually sort and join the two objects, but we would prefer a method more precise. This is where joins come in.

1. Using left_join()

There are several ways to join but we will use left_join(). This function joins the rows of two tibbles into one object. The arguments for left_join() are:

left_join() means that the object on the left (x) is the final object to retain. All matches in y that are also in x will be added. For example:

one <- tibble(subject = c(rep(1,5), rep(2,5)), score = 1:10)
## # A tibble: 10 × 2
##    subject score
##      <dbl> <int>
##  1       1     1
##  2       1     2
##  3       1     3
##  4       1     4
##  5       1     5
##  6       2     6
##  7       2     7
##  8       2     8
##  9       2     9
## 10       2    10
two <- tibble(subject = c(1,2), age = c(38,40))
## # A tibble: 2 × 2
##   subject   age
##     <dbl> <dbl>
## 1       1    38
## 2       2    40

We can use left join to add age to each row. Notice how it matches each instance of age in y to any matches in x. All rows in x are retained.

three <- left_join(one,two, by = 'subject')
## # A tibble: 10 × 3
##    subject score   age
##      <dbl> <int> <dbl>
##  1       1     1    38
##  2       1     2    38
##  3       1     3    38
##  4       1     4    38
##  5       1     5    38
##  6       2     6    40
##  7       2     7    40
##  8       2     8    40
##  9       2     9    40
## 10       2    10    40

Even if we reverse the order of the data objects, we still sort of get the results we want. This is because:

“If a row in x matches multiple rows in y, all the rows in y will be returned once for each matching row in x.”

Also, note what happens if you do not specify a by argument

## Joining with `by = join_by(subject)`
## # A tibble: 10 × 3
##    subject   age score
##      <dbl> <dbl> <int>
##  1       1    38     1
##  2       1    38     2
##  3       1    38     3
##  4       1    38     4
##  5       1    38     5
##  6       2    40     6
##  7       2    40     7
##  8       2    40     8
##  9       2    40     9
## 10       2    40    10

2. Create a tibble named which has the following columns:

You should see this:

set.seed(500) <- tibble(subject = 1:10, pre = rnorm(10, 20, 3), 
                   post1 = rnorm(10, 30, 1), 
                   post2 = rnorm(10, 15, 5))
## # A tibble: 10 × 4
##    subject   pre post1 post2
##      <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1       1  22.9  28.6 10.7 
##  2       2  25.9  28.2 19.8 
##  3       3  22.7  29.4 20.3 
##  4       4  20.1  30.5 16.0 
##  5       5  22.8  28.2 11.4 
##  6       6  18.3  28.5 11.3 
##  7       7  22.2  30.3 14.6 
##  8       8  21.9  29.7 10.7 
##  9       9  20.1  30.9  7.96
## 10      10  20.8  31.5 24.0

3. Create a new tibble named from using pivot_longer()

You should see this: <- pivot_longer(, c(pre,post1,post2), values_to = 'score', names_to = 'test' )
## # A tibble: 30 × 3
##    subject test  score
##      <int> <chr> <dbl>
##  1       1 pre    22.9
##  2       1 post1  28.6
##  3       1 post2  10.7
##  4       2 pre    25.9
##  5       2 post1  28.2
##  6       2 post2  19.8
##  7       3 pre    22.7
##  8       3 post1  29.4
##  9       3 post2  20.3
## 10       4 pre    20.1
## # ℹ 20 more rows

4. Create a second tibble named with the following columns

You should see this:

set.seed(100) <- tibble(subject = 1:10, age = rnorm(10, 20, .2), condition = c(rep('high',5), rep('low', 5)))
## # A tibble: 10 × 3
##    subject   age condition
##      <int> <dbl> <chr>    
##  1       1  19.9 high     
##  2       2  20.0 high     
##  3       3  20.0 high     
##  4       4  20.2 high     
##  5       5  20.0 high     
##  6       6  20.1 low      
##  7       7  19.9 low      
##  8       8  20.1 low      
##  9       9  19.8 low      
## 10      10  19.9 low

5. Make a new tibble named which is the result of using left_join() on and <- left_join(,
## Joining with `by = join_by(subject)`
## # A tibble: 30 × 5
##    subject test  score   age condition
##      <int> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>    
##  1       1 pre    22.9  19.9 high     
##  2       1 post1  28.6  19.9 high     
##  3       1 post2  10.7  19.9 high     
##  4       2 pre    25.9  20.0 high     
##  5       2 post1  28.2  20.0 high     
##  6       2 post2  19.8  20.0 high     
##  7       3 pre    22.7  20.0 high     
##  8       3 post1  29.4  20.0 high     
##  9       3 post2  20.3  20.0 high     
## 10       4 pre    20.1  20.2 high     
## # ℹ 20 more rows

6. Create a new tibble named output which contains the mean and sd of score at each test time, separated by condition

You should see this:

output <- %>%
  group_by(test, condition) %>%
  summarise(mean.score = mean(score), sd.score = sd(score))
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'test'. You can override using the
## `.groups` argument.
## # A tibble: 6 × 4
## # Groups:   test [3]
##   test  condition mean.score sd.score
##   <chr> <chr>          <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 post1 high            29.0    0.971
## 2 post1 low             30.2    1.15 
## 3 post2 high            15.6    4.51 
## 4 post2 low             13.7    6.22 
## 5 pre   high            22.9    2.06 
## 6 pre   low             20.6    1.56

7. Now let us do some simple visualization using ggplot

ggplot is a function to plot data and is usually what you see when people show r plots. The function is more complicated than other functions, but we can learn the basics for now.

ggplot needs to know the data it is using, as well as what to define the x and y axis with. This is done with the following syntax:

ggplot(data, aes(x = column1, y = column2))

Can you make a ggplot from output in which mean.score is the y axis and test is the x axis?

You will want to see something like this:

ggplot(output, aes(y = mean.score, x = test))

What’s wrong with our plot so far? The order of “test” is wonky. This is because R will auto-sort alphabetically.

use the summary() function on output$test - what do you see?

8. Reordering a factor

Create a new value named test2 which is the result of calling as.factor() on output$test. Then call a summary() on test2, then call the function levels() on test2 - what does this tell us?

test2 <- as.factor(output$test)
## post1 post2   pre 
##     2     2     2
## [1] "post1" "post2" "pre"

We can use relevel() to set a new baseline level for our factor, but we might want more control than this.

levels(relevel(test2, ref = 'pre'))
## [1] "pre"   "post1" "post2"

The factor() function allows us to define the levels and the labels of our factor. The levels argument should match what it already in the data, and the labels can be used to give prettier text labels (e.g., for plotting

factor(test2, levels = c('pre','post1', 'post2'))
## [1] post1 post1 post2 post2 pre   pre  
## Levels: pre post1 post2
factor(test2, levels = c('pre','post1', 'post2'), labels = c("Pre", "Post 1", "Post 2"))
## [1] Post 1 Post 1 Post 2 Post 2 Pre    Pre   
## Levels: Pre Post 1 Post 2

9. your turn: Please change the value of output$test to be a factor, with levels and labels matching test2. You can do this by assigning a value to itself: output$test = factor()

afterwards run summary() and levels() on output$test. you should see this:

output$test <- factor(output$test, levels = c('pre', 'post1', 'post2'), labels = c('Pre', 'Post 1', 'Post 2'))
## [1] "Pre"    "Post 1" "Post 2"
##    Pre Post 1 Post 2 
##      2      2      2

10. Plot the same plot again, but this time save it as an object named my.plot. call the plot by typing the name - this time your x-axis should look better

my.plot <- ggplot(output, aes(x = test, y = mean.score))

We want to add actual points to the plot, to do so we add geoms to the ggplot, which are different geometric objects. These geoms can also take their own aes arguments, making ggplot very powerful (but also confusing at times). Also, instead of a pipe %>%, you use a + to link geoms. add a geom_col() to the plot

my.plot + 

Now add an aes function inside geom_col and set fill to equal condition

my.plot + 
  geom_col(aes(fill = condition))

Now, let’s “dodge” the stacked columns so that they are side by side. Add the argument position inside geom_col but not inside aes and set it equal to 'dodge'

my.plot + 
  geom_col(aes(fill = condition), position = 'dodge')